Lemon Boy tomato is among the best-selling tomatoes in the US and Canada. It has many wonderful features, including great flavor, mild yet sweet and tangy fruit, and good productivity. We are proud to present a new and improved generation of Lemon Boy.
The original disease resistance package for Lemon Boy included, Alternaria stem canker, Leaf Mold, Fusarium 0, Stemphylium, Verticilium Wilt, and Root knot nematode. Lemon Boy Plus has all of the original resistances PLUS, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Tomato torrado virus, and Fusarium Crown and Root Rot. The fruit is sweeter, from 5.7 (Brix) to 6.6, while maintaining the 8 ounce or larger fruit.
This new garden powerhouse has all the characteristics of the original Lemon Boy plus a sweet treat. And don’t be surprised if Grandmother prefers the Lemon Boy Plus more than the original. Indeterminate. 73 days.